For women who want clarity and confidence to live life to the fullest

take dedicated time to appreciate the woman you are, know what you want in life and have the self belief to go after it

This will be the greatest thing you ever do

You’re in the right place 

Firstly, you are not alone

I know what it is like to live with anxiety most days, to constantly question and doubt yourself, to not know what you want and to feel like everyone else has it figured out and you don’t.

I know you are looking for more, I know there are things in life you want but deep down you don’t know if it’s possible for you

Well it is, I have worked with many women to support them to heal their pains, to understand and love the person they are, to gain clarity on what they want in life and to go and make it happen

You deserve love, the dream job, so much happiness, a loving relationship with your body and your self. You deserve to live life to the fullest

You are incredible as you are and I am here to support you to see it too

you run with me now girl!

 I’m here to support you…

To show you the power of Self Love. And for this powerful self respect to change your life for the absolute better

Imagine this….

  • You have a new respect for your body where you take more care of yourself and you feel at peace with how you look at last

  • You have a more joyful relationship with families members

  • You look different but nothing on the outside has changed and people can’t quite work it out (it’s the self love glow)!

  • You know how to have your back in tough times and you can cope with life’s challenges

  • You feel more confident in your work and you know your value

  • You have a beautiful romantic relationship or you are so happy on your own and prioritise you everyday

  • You become someone you can trust and finally you feel at peace with the woman you are

  • You know who you are and this is the best feeling in the world

  • You want more for yourself and you aren’t afraid to go and get it

you are loved

I will take you through my signature SELF LOVE steps

This becomes the foundation of our work but the experience is bespoke to you


Rediscover The Connection To You

This is where together, we will build a safe, supportive and resilient foundation for your life. We look at balancing your nervous system, to address any overwhelm and anxiety, for you to create safety within. This is incredible powerful. We will address your pain, your challenges and safely alchemise these into your strengths. You will feel more at ease, more energetic and more hopeful


Your Magnificent Mindset

Together we anchor you into the worth of who you are and the magnificent human being that all of your incredibly unique experiences have brought you to be. We work through the limiting beliefs and blocks that get in your way of your confidence. I'll guide you through my tools and techniques to unpack and rediscover who you are and your true value in this world

When you know, accept and believe in who you are, you open up to the most exciting opportunities…you stand in your power knowing you are worthy of it all


To see it is to believe it 

I help you to get really clear on your vision, so you know exactly where you want to go.  We then will work together to break this into aligned actions for us to work on together. I help you create project plans that are manageable and easy to use so you feel organised and clear and you can see how your daily actions are taking you forward towards your bigger goals. 

I will share powerful ways to keep the excitement of your vision alive and trust within yourself even on the tough days!

Self Love Coaching is for you if

You’re ready to really own your own and believe in what you do

You want to heal the pain you have been experiencing and learn from it

You want to understand yourself better, to know what you want in life and take steps towards it with confidence and excitement

You want to have better relationships with loved ones, you want to attract a partner that is perfect for you

You want to stop overanalysing and doubting everything and feel at peace every day

You want to finally stop self judgement and celebrate the woman you are

You can have it all, you get to work out what you want from life and with my support not only will you feel worthy of it but you will actually go and get it


♥ Healing challenging relationships with loved ones

♥ Having beautiful and respectful romantic relationships

♥ Looking physically different to others but nothing has changed physically they radiate happiness and everyone can see it

♥ Having a new baseline of self respect and self love which they always uphold

♥ Taking trips around the world and experiencing more of what excites them

♥ Creating a new identify after grief and loss

♥ Setting up the business they have always wanted

♥ Feeling happy in their own body and looking after themselves in a more loving way

 what’s included AND INVESTMENT OPTIONs

♥ Fortnightly 60-90 minute virtual coaching and embodiment activation sessions

♥ Bi - weekly focused progress check-ins

♥ Option for longer face to face days where possible

♥ Access to me throughout (Mon-Thurs) via Whatsapp

♥ Personalised action plans after each session, including handouts, meditations, exercises and worksheets

♥ Bespoke meditations and visualisations

♥ Access to my signature The Unstoppable Woman Programme

♥ Access to other tools that are relevant to your growth

♥ First access to any trainings, workshops and courses



pay in full £1500

pay in 3 instalments of £500

pay in 6 instalments of £250

bespoke plans available on request



pay in full £2500

pay in 6 instalments of £416.6

pay in 9 instalments of £277.7

bespoke plans available on request



I work with no more than 6 women at one time so when we work together you can be sure of my absolute focus and dedication to you

With some clients completing I have 3 spaces opening up for Spring 2022

I would love to hear from you and completing this form is the first step. Nobody else will see your responses love as they come directly to me. We will then book a confidential call and from there I will create a unique proposal for you to review. 

OK love….thank you so much for your interest - I hope we can go on to make magic and have a lot of fun together!



Self Love Led coaching is perfect for you if:

You desire more confidence, fulfilment, and self love

You are so up for it and are ready to learn, grow and enjoy the process

You are ready to give 100%

You are open to growth on physical, mental, emotional, emotional and spiritual level

You want to make your wellbeing a priority and to develop the relationship with yourself

You need accountability and support to step into what you know you’re capable of

You doubt yourself at times but you are ready to take a stand for yourself and your life

Who it is not perfect for

This is not those who aren’t committed to self-development

It’s not for those who aren’t ready to take a leap towards a life they love

It’s not for women who are resistant to change and aren’t up for stepping outside of their comfort zone


You will have a call with Lauren every other week. You will have access to Lauren’s diary to book times and days that suit you. You also have whatsapp support with Lauren Monday- Thursday 10am-5pm


6 or 12 x 60-75 minute sessions with Lauren and unlimited time via whatsapp for more support. You get access to Lauren for 3 or 6 months


The investment is £1500 for 3 months of bespoke 1.1 support and £2500 for 6 months of bespoke support both with amazing payments plans and bespoke payment plans at request


I get this I really do. ALL the women I have the pleasure of working with are scared and a lot of them feel not enough. It can be really scary to step outside of our comfort zone and when we having been living in self doubt for many years it is so normal you may feel this way. This is why I always speak to each woman on a call before we proceed, this is to put you at ease and support you through any fear.

When you are at that point of enough is enough, you have fire in your belly and you are so ready to stop turning your back on yourself and your work…this is the energy and determination of the women I work best with. You are in a safe space